

Register now for your information event

How can I complete a Bachelor's or Master's degree alongside my job? What previous achievements will be recognized? Is there any financial aid? You have lots of questions. We have the answers. In our virtual information events, you can find out everything you need to know about the topics that interest you.

Please note: We currently only offer the information events in German.

Your future events

We offer these events

Dein Weg zum Studium

Is my degree recognized on the Austrian job market? Is there any country-specific content? We offer you courses according to Austrian law in numerous degree programs. Explore your various options and ask your questions in this event on distance learning in Austria.

IU Info Event

Shorten your study time, save 30 euros per recognized ECTS point: Your work experience, training or previous studies count for us. Find out how you can have the qualifications and professional experience you have already gained credited towards your studies at IU.

Bachelorstudium (neben dem Beruf)

Your goal: To study independently - when, how and where you want? You can. Our student advisory service will provide you with the advantages of this study model and tips on how to successfully combine studying and working. You will then receive answers to your questions about studying.

Masterstudium (neben dem Beruf)

You need a degree course that fits in with your life. Explore the possibilities of completing your Master's degree while working. Our student advisory service will tell you what advantages this study model offers you and how it works. At the end of the info session, you can ask any questions you still have.


Reduce study costs and obtain financial support: Here you can find out all about IU funding benefits and scholarships, recognition of prior learning, BAföG and other funding options for your studies. We show you how you can make the best use of which funding options to finance your studies.

Study Coaching

At IU, you organize your everyday study life the way you want. You will be supported by your personal study coach. In this online event, we will introduce you to our study coaches and show you how they can support you with time management, motivation, learning strategies and dealing with stress during your studies.

IU Further Events

Free, online and for everyone: Every month, our IU professors not only share their expertise on hot social topics with you, but also their enthusiasm for exciting subject areas. Ask your questions in the Q&A afterwards and dive deeper into exciting topics to reach new horizons.

Studieren in Österreich

Bewerbung, Studienablauf, Finanzierung und Anerkennung des Studiums: Erfahre alles über Dein Fernstudium und stelle Deine Fragen. Melde Dich jetzt zur kostenlosen Infosession an – speziell für Dich in Österreich!

We are here for you

Do you need help with your decision? Your personal study advisor is happy to help you!

Request information material free of charge now

Find out more about IU and your study programme in your personal brochure.

What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options

This is the IU: awarded, accredited and certified.