Distance Learning Master Data Science (M.Sc.)
Start your distance learning master's programme in Data Science today
Data rules the digital world – and you know how to use it! With your master's in Data Science, you will learn how to collect, evaluate and subsequently draw results from datasets. For this, you will learn how to identify data patterns in areas such as stock analysis, autonomous systems, or language and text recognition. With this knowledge, you qualify for leadership positions in the IT sector.
You can complete our one-year 60 ECTS credit programme in German or English. The 120 ECTS credit master's is also available in both German and English – to match your personal needs and goals.
Your study programme summed up
This programme is still in the process of accreditation. We are expecting Ministry approval at the very latest by the start of the study programme. So far, all IU programmes have been accredited and approved successfully on time.
Study programme & degree
M.Sc., 120, 60 ECTS credits
Language: de, en
Full-time or part-time, 100% flexible
Application & starting date
Start from today, Online application, no application deadline
Study duration & extension
Study programme independent of time & place, No mandatory attendance, Innovative study tools available on online-campus & in the IU Learn App, Exams online or at nearest examination centre
Study fees
Recognition & Approval
Study program is state-approved, accredited & internationally renowned, 120 ECTS - DE: AR-Siegel, ZFU: 1110020 120 ECTS - EN: AR-Siegel, ZFU: 1110020c 60 ECTS - DE: AR-Siegel, ZFU: 1109920 60 ECTS - EN: AR-Siegel, ZFU: 1109920
Apply now and start your studies within a few hours – or choose any starting date that suits you. You can try us out for 1 month without commitment. We only charge you for this month if you continue with us.
Your online master’s programmes in Data Science
The online master's proigramme in Data Science is available as a 60 ECTS or 120 ECTS programme in German or English language.
Your electives in the master’s programme in Data Management
Your master’s programme in Data Management is as practice-oriented as possible! In the 60 ECTS programme, you choose one of the 3 electives of “Big Data und Software Engineering”, “Produktionsmethoden Industrie 4.0 und Automatisierungstechnik” or “Angewandtes Autonomes Fahren”. In the 120 ECTS programme, you choose two out of 13 electives to prepare for your career. Your options include modules such as “Data Science Specialist”, “Cognitive Computing” and “Business Analyst”.
We are here for you
Do you need help with your decision? Your personal study advisor is happy to help you!
We will support you
Our student advisory service will help you if you have questions about your choice of degree program, the right time model or your financing options, for example.
Just give us a call
*Available Monday–Friday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. CET, Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CET+49 30 311 988 00
Apply now and start your studies within a few hours – or choose any starting date that suits you. You can try us out for 1 month without commitment. We only charge you for this month if you continue with us.
Study flexible
Learn innovatively
You'll find all of the important information about your study programme and IU International University of Applied Sciences in your personal brochure.
Das erhältst Du kostenlos
Infos zu Studieninhalten & Wahlpflichtbereichen
Infos zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten
Your professional future
Senior Data Scientist
You’re a natural at managing data? Perfect! As a senior data scientist, you are in charge of collecting data, analysing it and using the results to maximise the potential within your company. In your senior position, you are a mentor for juniors, manage a team and make important decisions.
Data Science Developer
Als Data Science Developer:in wagst Du den Sprung in die Welt der großen Daten. Dein Spielplatz sind Werkzeuge und Anwendungen, die die Informationsflut beherrschbar machen. Durch maschinelles Lernen und KI verwandelst Du Daten in intelligente Helfer:innen. In Kooperation mit einem kreativen Entwickler:innenteam gibst Du Daten eine Stimme. Deine Mission: Technologielösungen schaffen, die den Puls der Zeit treffen und das Geschäft vorantreiben. Entfalte Dein Potenzial und werde ein:e Wegbereiter:in des digitalen Wandels.
Why IU is the best choice
Shape your studies your way
Plan your study routine however you like. You decide whether you prefer to study at night or during the day, at the library or in a cafe. You can even choose the start of your studies flexibly.
Easily organise your study routine
On your online campus, you're always up to speed. Here you organise your entire studies and find everything in one place – from digital scripts to an overview of your grades.
Deepen your knowledge individually
Deepen your knowledge interactively and suited to your learning style. With multimedia tools such as our AI study assistant, live sessions and learning sprints, you prepare better for your exams.
Take exams flexibly
Do you feel confident in the practice exam? Then sit your exam 24/7 online or at a location of your choice. In some courses, the final exam may be a workbook or portfolio.